Polis: a dicembre passaporti negli uffici postali, da febbraio CIE e servizi Agenzia Entrate

Poste Italiane’s Polis Project is moving ahead and will soon allow citizens in small municipalities to collect their passports and identity cards directly from post offices. In an interview with TGPoste, Poste Italiane’s Co-General Manager, Giuseppe Lasco, focused on the project for creating the digital one-stop shop in the 7,000 post offices hosted by municipalities with fewer than 15,000 inhabitants, emphasising that “the Polis project is the best image we can present when we say that Poste Italiane combines business and support for the economy.”

“At the moment,” said Lasco, “we are already providing INPS services, registry and judicial certificates. From December, the post office will also be able to issue passports, and from February we will be issuing electronic identity cards and providing Revune Agency services’.

The Polis project, which was presented in January before top state officials, is also moving ahead at a fast pace in setting up the largest national network of coworking areas, with 250 sites made available by Poste Italiane throughout the country. “We want to give people, companies and professionals the opportunity to use these spaces,” Lasco said. ‘These spaces,’ he concluded, ‘will not only be in big cities where the sector’s players are already located, but above all in medium-small communities, to contribute to the social and economic development of the whole country.