Poste Italiane: rinnovato il contratto collettivo nazionale di lavoro

Poste Italiane and the trade unions reached an agreement on the renewal of the National Collective Labour Contract for Poste Italiane non-managerial staff valid until 31 December 2027. The contract is also extended to other Group companies, including SDA Express Courier and Poste Logistics, which previously applied different contractual disciplines.

The hypothesis of the agreement provides for an average gross salary increase of €230 , which will be spread over the entire term of the contract, with an increase in the minimum wage of €192 gross on average. The employees of Poste Italiane will also receive a one-off amount of €1,000 gross on average next September, by way of 2024 contractual arrears and an advance on future economic improvements.

Also included in the terms of the agreement is a €1.26 increase in the daily meal voucher and a €5 increase in the company’s contribution to the basic package of the supplementary health care plan, for which the benefits have also been significantly expanded. Finally, the company contribution for Fondoposte, the supplementary pension fund for employees, will be increased from 2.3% to 2.5% of salary.

“The signing of the agreement ,” commented Poste Italiane CEO Matteo Del Fante,” is the result of a path in which everyone has been able to do their part with a great sense of responsibility to achieve a common goal, which is to improve the pay levels of our 120,000 employees, sustaining their purchasing power, and contribute to the company’s growth path in order to consolidate its leadership in the Italian corporate landscape. This contractual agreement is therefore the best premise for meeting the challenge posed by the new Business Plan “The Platform Company”.

“This agreement constitutes the cornerstone of a broader strategy with which Poste Italiane has placed the valorisation of people at the centre of the development of its activities ,” – explained Poste Italiane General Manager Giuseppe Lasco. “We are a great attraction for the labour market, a vanguard of modernity in industrial relations, and this agreement allows us to strengthen the system of protections, workers’ rights, and the enhancement of participation institutions.