Poste Italiane: resta il nostro commitment sul servizio postale universale

Poste Italiane will maintain its commitment to the universal postal service. This was reiterated by the CEO, Matteo Del Fante, and the General Manager, Giuseppe Lasco, during a wide-ranging interview with TG Poste. “We maintain our commitment to mail and the universal postal service, with the conditions that will be determined in the renewal of the contract with the Ministry of Enterprise and Made in Italy,” Del Fante explained, commenting on the Group’s great progress in logistics, which has seen Poste Italiane become the leading operator in the B2C parcels market.

Offices in small centres

“The answer to doubts about the universal service,” said Lasco instead, “is Polis: when we arrived at Poste Italiane, the first document that came to our attention concerned the closure of 1,486 post offices. We have decided not to close them and to focus the Polis project on maintaining post offices in small centres.”

Above, the TG Poste video.