Truffe agli anziani: protocollo tra Poste Italiane e Viminale per difendere i cittadini più vulnerabili

The objective of the protocol signed at the Viminale by the Minister of the Interior Matteo Piantedosi and the President of Poste Italiane Silvia Maria Rovere is to reinforce the protection network for the weakest individuals. The partnership between Poste Italiane and institutions implements a new strategy to prevent and tackle fraud with a two-tiered approach: at the local level, through regional coordination committees, and at the national level.

Poste’s commitment against fraud

Frauds against the elderly involve increasingly sophisticated schemes that exploit the confidence of those who are less familiar with new technologies. An area where Poste Italiane has always been leading the way, as emphasised by the President Silvia Maria Rovere. “We have always paid great attention to the most fragile sections of the population, exposed to scams and dangerous situations that can occur in the territory where we are present in a widespread manner. We protect our elderly and vulnerable customers when they visit our offices or use ATMs. Unfortunately, today risks arise not only on a physical level but increasingly frequent are scams related to computers or involving other technologies.”

The collaboration with the Viminale

In the fight against frauds, to protect the public interest, Poste Italiane relies not only on its widespread presence but also on the professionalism of its employees. According to the Minister of the Interior Matteo Piantedosi, the participation of large companies in fraud prevention implements the constitutional principle of the social value of business activity. Piantedosi recalled the Viminale’s collaboration with Poste in simplifying passport issuance procedures and highlighted: “Today we have signed a protocol that adds something extra: we are asking a major entity like Poste Italiane, which is a great social value, to assist the Ministry of the Interior’s activities in protecting vulnerable people to safeguard them against fraud and those situations that all too often occur.”