Salary increase of approximately €230 for 2024-2027, divided between salary, ticket restaurant, pension fund and health fund for non-managerial staff
Sustainable finance and the application of ESG principles in investment criteria at the centre in the words of Poste Italiane President Silvia Rovere
The words of Poste Italiane’s CEO on the sidelines of the Lectio magistralis held at the "Carlo Azeglio Ciampi" School of Economic and Social Policy
For the second year running, the Group led by CEO Matteo Del Fante has stood out as one of the companies to have best integrated sustainability policies into their strategies
Announcement made at the end of a meeting at the Viminale. The Minister of Interior Piantedosi: 'A great commitment to provide effective answers to citizens'

Poste’s CEO Del Fante: artificial intelligence is useful for citizens and business, if used in a measured way

The words of Poste Italiane’s CEO on the sidelines of the Lectio magistralis held at the "Carlo Azeglio Ciampi" School of Economic and Social Policy

Poste Italiane once again made the podium in the Identity Corporate Index 2024

For the second year running, the Group led by CEO Matteo Del Fante has stood out as one of the companies to have best integrated sustainability policies into their strategies

Poste Italiane’s General Manager Giuseppe Lasco: ‘Passports available in all Italian post offices starting from July’

Announcement made at the end of a meeting at the Viminale. The Minister of Interior Piantedosi: 'A great commitment to provide effective answers to citizens'

Poste: First quarter revenues reached 3 billion; Del Fante: “We are on track to meet 2026 targets”

The operating result reached €706 million, up 14% year over year, due to the company's diversified business model

From Polis to award-winning sustainability: Poste’s first quarter results

Poste Italiane creates value for all stakeholders and contributes to social cohesion, digitalisation and Italy's green transition

E-commerce and Logistics: parcel revenues on the rise

Post revenues are also ahead of plan, according to the figures for the first quarter of 2024
Salary increase of approximately €230 for 2024-2027, divided between salary, ticket restaurant, pension fund and health fund for non-managerial staff
Sustainable finance and the application of ESG principles in investment criteria at the centre in the words of Poste Italiane President Silvia Rovere
The words of Poste Italiane’s CEO on the sidelines of the Lectio magistralis held at the "Carlo Azeglio Ciampi" School of Economic and Social Policy
For the second year running, the Group led by CEO Matteo Del Fante has stood out as one of the companies to have best integrated sustainability policies into their strategies
Announcement made at the end of a meeting at the Viminale. The Minister of Interior Piantedosi: 'A great commitment to provide effective answers to citizens'
The operating result reached €706 million, up 14% year over year, due to the company's diversified business model
Poste Italiane creates value for all stakeholders and contributes to social cohesion, digitalisation and Italy's green transition
Post revenues are also ahead of plan, according to the figures for the first quarter of 2024