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Anche a Genova il turno all’ufficio postale si prenota a distanza

Post office time slots can be booked remotely in Genoa too

Remote booking systems save time, confirming Poste Italiane's proximity to all citizens to meet their needs
Sanità digitale: menzione speciale per la Asl di Teramo con il supporto di Poste

Digital health: Special mention for the Teramo Local Health Authority with the support of...

The Teramo Local Health Authority's project on the early diagnosis of colorectal cancer, developed in collaboration with the Poste Italiane Group, received the recognition.
Poste Storie, un’opera in “filigrana” per sintetizzare la finanza sostenibile

Poste Storie, ‘watermark’ art to synthesise sustainable finance

The designer and visual artist Adriano Attus imagined sustainable finance for Poste after a call from Renato Fontana, curator of the 'Poste Storie' interactive exhibition
offerta luce e gas poste italiane con Poste Energia

Milano Finanza: Poste accelerates with its electricity and gas contracts, already reaching over 200,000...

Poste Italiane is ready to push ahead with the offer of new services, from energy to fibre, passing through motor liability
La finanza sostenibile di Poste protagonista al Multistakeholder Forum

Poste’s sustainable finance featured at the Multistakeholder Forum

Poste's focus on sustainability in finance featured in a Focus Group during the Multistakeholder Forum
Welfare aziendale: un “motore” per la genitorialità e un vantaggio per le imprese

Corporate Welfare: a ‘driver’ for parenthood and an advantage for companies

94% of the measures activated will continue to be used in the future, the research showed, and 43.3% of companies have introduced the role of welfare manager
Fraud Prevention Center

Poste Italiane: Fraud Prevention Center specialists work 24 hours a day for customer security

100 specialised operators work inside the center. Thanks to next-generation technologies they are able to intervene promptly in the event of fraud or suspicious behaviour
A Palermo tutti i postini sono green, consegne solo con mezzi elettrici

Palermo: green postmen, deliveries with zero-emission electric vehicles

With the latest supply, the Distribution Center in via Ugo La Malfa in Palermo is the first in Sicily to have completed the renewal of the vehicle fleet, in line with Poste Italiane's green strategy
integrazione sociale

Multi-ethnic offices: how Poste Italiane promotes social integration in a changing Italy

“It's like being at the centre of the world” - a trip to the multi-ethnic post office in Via Marsala in Rome
del fante

Del Fante: “Poste helps create a bridge between school and work”.

The CEO of Poste Italiane participated in the Elis Consortium initiative: “Building a bridge between school and work is crucial”.

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