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E-commerce: PostePay e Amazon insieme per migliorare l’esperienza di acquisto online dei clienti

E-commerce: PostePay and Amazon together to improve customers’ online shopping experience

Automated top-up mechanism strengthens collaboration between PostePay, a Poste Italiane Group company, and Amazon
Salone dei pagamenti, PostePay e “Road to connect”, la strategia per connettere tutti i bisogni dei clienti

Salone dei Pagamenti, PostePay and ‘Road to connect’, the strategy to connect all customer...

Over 30 million cards issued and 20 million customers for the retail and business platform dedicated to payments, telecoms and energy
Poste, nasce il “gemello digitale” associato a un prodotto filatelico tradizionale

Poste, the ‘digital twin’ associated with a traditional philatelic product is born

The first collectible box set via NFT (Non-Fungible Token) and Blockchain presented

Net profit up 19.5% in the first 9 months of 2024, Del Fante: “Positive...

The Board of Directors of Poste approved the financial results for the third quarter of 2024
Poste pilastro per lo sviluppo del Paese: ecco i risultati raggiunti nel progetto Polis e nella sostenibilità

Poste is a pillar for the country’s development: achievements in the Polis project and...

As of 30 September, 2,318 upgrade interventions had been carried out in post offices, in addition to Poste's sustainability action towards carbon neutrality and in the services offered
Da Poste Logistics a Locker Italia: le operazioni societarie del terzo trimestre 2024

From Poste Logistics to Locker Italia: corporate transactions in the third quarter of 2024

The evolution of the postal network includes the increase of alternative collection points and the development of integrated logistics
Crescita a doppia cifra dei volumi dei pacchi

Double-digit growth in parcel volumes

Parcel revenues recorded an extraordinary double-digit growth of 14.6% year-on-year, reaching € 384 million in the third quarter of 2024
Nei servizi finanziari superati i 4 miliardi di ricavi

Financial services surpassed 4 billion in revenues

Third-party revenues amounted to € 1.4 billion in the third quarter of 2024, up 13.9 % year-on-year
Servizi assicurativi oltre il miliardo: +7,3% su base annua

Insurance services over one billion: +7.3% year-on-year

Poste Italiane's insurance services revenues increased by 7.8% to EUR 399 million in the third quarter of 2024
Crescono i servizi Postepay: l'aumento è del 10%

Postepay services grow: a 10% increase

Postepay Services revenue increased by 6.0% year-on-year in the third quarter of 2024 to EUR 396 million

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