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Poste Italiane crescono i ricavi di pacchi e distribuzione

The mail, parcel and distribution operating result is growing

Mail, Parcel and Distribution revenues were resilient (-0.9% YoY, to €893 million)
Poste Italiane: forte crescita nei servizi finanziari

Strong revenue growth in financial services

Financial Services segment revenues increased 7.9% year-over-year in the first quarter of 2023 to €1.4 billion
Servizi assicurativi

Insurance services performing above market average

In the first quarter of 2023 insurance services revenues grew 5.5% year on year and amount to €393 million

Payments and mobile, significant growth across all business lines

The revenue of the Payments and Mobile segment continued to grow, year on year, at a solid 48.2% and amounted to €343 million
poste acquisizioni

Acquisitions and capital increases, Poste Italiane’s main transactions in the first quarter

From Net Insurance to sennder, the main company transactions carried out by Poste Italiane in the first quarter of 2023
servizi digitali poste italiane per la trasformazione digitale

Digital transformation and services for citizens: Poste Italiane’s road to growth in 2023

The evolution of the management of Poste Italiane in the coming months of the year: the various strategies and services for the growth of the country

Technological infrastructure: A mission for the country, shared with Microsoft

The agreement with Microsoft Italia, Poste Italiane's partner, is a fundamental part of the Group's and Italy's innovation programme and digital transformation process

Italians are getting more digitally mature: There are 46 million multichannel consumers

According to the Multichannel Observatory of the Politecnico di Milano, multichannel consumers reached 46.3 million in 2022, 89% of the population
Anche a Genova il turno all’ufficio postale si prenota a distanza

Post office time slots can be booked remotely in Genoa too

Remote booking systems save time, confirming Poste Italiane's proximity to all citizens to meet their needs
Sanità digitale: menzione speciale per la Asl di Teramo con il supporto di Poste

Digital health: Special mention for the Teramo Local Health Authority with the support of...

The Teramo Local Health Authority's project on the early diagnosis of colorectal cancer, developed in collaboration with the Poste Italiane Group, received the recognition.

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