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Lasco Capital Market Day

The General Manager of Poste Italiane Giuseppe Lasco: ‘Polis is progressing fast, the Project...

General Manager Giuseppe Lasco: 'The decision not to abandon the territory and to invest in the combination of the physical and digital worlds has proved successful'
trasformazione logistica di poste

From the transformation of logistics to the SuperApp: the main strategic points of Poste...

The new business service model maximises the value of Poste Italiane's platform
Logistica, 3,9 miliardi di ricavi nel 2028, spinta sull’e-commerce ed espansione internazionale

Logistics: 3.9 billion revenue in 2028, a push on e-commerce and international expansion

The Operating Result (EBIT) will reach € 0.1 billion, supported by the growth in Parcels and Logistics
Servizi finanziari, target trainati da prodotti di Risparmio e Investimento

Financial Services, targets driven by Savings and Investment products

Total revenues reached € 7.0 billion in 2028 with a solid growth of 3% and an operating result (EBIT) stable at € 0.9 billion
servizi assicurativi

Solid growth expected in all product lines for insurance services

The financial targets and operational objectives of Insurance Services for 2028

Postepay, 2028 targets include sector revenues at 2.2 billion

Poste Italiane has defined Postepay's financial targets and operational objectives for 2028
Del Fante lancia la nuova era di Poste: “Con digitale e logistica leader di riferimento nel Paese”

Poste, revenues up to EUR 12 billion in 2023, boom in parcels. CEO, Del...

Poste Italiane announced the preliminary results for the fourth quarter and financial year 2023, which show record numbers
Poste Italiane: il Consiglio di Amministrazione nomina Giuseppe Lasco nuovo Direttore Generale

Poste Italiane: the Board of Directors appoints Giuseppe Lasco as the new General Manager

General Manager Giuseppe Lasco, reporting to CEO Matteo Del Fante, is responsible for managing and coordinating the Group's corporate structures
Polis, premi e leadership: i traguardi raggiunti da Poste nel 2023

Polis, awards and leadership: Poste’s achievements in 2023

The Group confirms itself as the main driver of innovation for the sustainable success of the country
Pagamenti e Mobile, ottime performance per tutti i prodotti

Payments and Mobile, excellent performance for all products

PostePay confirms its market leadership, Poste Energia reaches 500,000 sign-ups

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