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i servizi finanziari di poste

Postal savings drive growth in financial service revenues

Postal savings, NII and consumer credit distribution are among the reasons for the growth of Poste's financial services
Risultati positivi nei servizi assicurativ di poste

Positive results in insurance services

Positive net revenue and low lapse rate: positive results in the insurance segment despite a challenging market
Boom dell’e-commerce: il segmento Corrispondenza, Pacchi e Distribuzione raggiunge il break even

E-commerce boom: Mail, Parcels and Distribution segment breaks even

The revenues of the Mail, Parcels and Distribution segment amounted to EUR 991 million in the fourth quarter of 2023
Poste Italiane si conferma leader nell’indice CDP e migliora la posizione nel Sustainability Yearbook di S&P global

Poste Italiane confirms its leadership in the CDP index and improves its position in...

The Group, led by CEO Matteo Del Fante, maintains its 'A-' rating and wins the 'Leadership' category for the fourth year in a row, placing itself at the top of S&P Global's yearbook that selects the world's sustainability leaders
Poste Italiane lancia PosteGoFresh il primo servizio di consegna refrigerato per alimenti freschi

Poste Italiane launches PosteGoFresh – the first refrigerated delivery service for fresh groceries

The refrigerated home delivery service is provided by MLK Fresh, the joint venture between the subsidiary MLK Deliveries and Mazzocco srl, and is already operational in more than twenty cities including Rome, Milan, Turin, Genoa, Verona, Bologna and Florence
Poste Italiane è “Top Employer” per il quinto anno consecutivo

Poste Italiane is a Top Employer for the fifth consecutive year

Poste Italiane's strategies have received recognition, with particular appreciation for its welfare initiatives and inclusive policies
progetto polis

Postal Union for the Mediterranean: the Polis Project was the most innovative postal initiative...

Poste Italiane's Polis project has been awarded by the independent PUMed jury for its 'innovative capacity' and 'social impact' throughout the country
Portalettere Roma

Innovative and sustainable: new uniforms for the capital’s postmen and women presented in Rome

The new uniforms will soon be worn by all 1,600 postmen and women in Rome: the presentation will be at the headquarters in Piazza San Silvestro
Prevedibilità, trasparenza e vicinanza all’ambiente: i punti di forza dell’offerta Poste Energia

Predictability, transparency and focus on the environment: the strengths of the Poste Energia offer

The words of Stefano Fumi, Head of Poste Energia, to TG Poste after the result of more than 500,000 gas and electricity subscriptions
Filatelia, ecco i francobolli dedicati allo Spazio e al Futuro

Philately, here are the stamps with Space and the Future themes

Four stamps from the thematic series "Production and economic excellence" dedicated to "Space and the Future"

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