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CEO of Poste Matteo Del Fante: “Our new products are a success for a...

CEO Del Fante thanks all employees and reiterates the value and success of Poste Italiane’s choices and products on the news
La Presidente Silvia Rovere: “Poste motore di innovazione per il Paese”

President Silvia Rovere: “Poste, the country’s engine of innovation”

The 2023 results: “Poste has been able to play its role in serving the community and being innovative even in the most remote areas of the country”
A Poste Italiane l’“Oscar di bilancio 2023” nella categoria grandi imprese quotate

Poste Italiane wins the ‘Oscar di bilancio 2023’ in the large listed company category

The award assigned by Ferpi, Borsa Italiana and Bocconi University to the Group led by CEO Matteo Del Fante rewards clear reporting and transparent and innovative communication to the market and stakeholders

Poste Italiane “Sector Leader” worldwide according to Dow Jones Sustainability Indices

The Group led by CEO Matteo Del Fante tops the insurance sector in S&P Global's CSA 2023 and is confirmed for the fifth consecutive year in the Dow Jones Sustainability Index World and Europe

Poste: € 2.8 billion revenue in Q3. CEO, Del Fante: “Results that outperform the...

Revenue for Q3 2023 is € 2.8 billion, up 3.6%. CEO, Del Fante: “We are proud to once again demonstrate our ability to generate positive results in shifting market contexts”
Ricavi di mercato in crescita per corrispondenza, pacchi e distribuzione

Growth in market revenue for mail, parcels and distribution

Poste has published its revenue data. Positive figures include Q3 asset-management fees up 36.9% YOY
servizi finanziari

Solid commercial performance for financial services

Poste has demonstrated its financial stability. Positive figures include net interest income for Q3, up 7.7% YOY to € 566 million
Servizi assicurativi, la raccolta netta è positiva

Insurance services net revenue gains

Insurance sector revenues increased 6.5% YOY to € 371 million
Pagamenti e mobile, dati positivi in tutte le linee di business

Positive Payments-and-Mobile figures for all business lines

Revenue is up 36.6% in Q3, YOY, reaching € 405 million: figures for the Payments-and-Mobile segment
Dai premi per le politiche ESG al progetto Polis: un trimestre di traguardi importanti

From awards for ESG policies to the Polis project: a quarter full of important...

Poste Italiane confirms its position as a leader for ESG policies and implementation of the Polis project continues

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