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Meloni: “Poste, model for the NRRP. The company can create a platform to sell...

Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni's exclusive TG Poste interview: "Poste represents our country's excellence. I am proud of that."
Un francobollo per Elisabetta II, la Regina che ha attraversato 70 anni di storia

A stamp for Elizabeth II, the Queen who traversed 70 years of history

The stamp depicts the profile of Queen Elizabeth II in five different historical eras. At the bottom, in the centre, there is the royal seal of the Sovereign's reign
poste acquisizioni

Poste will deliver groceries: the “fresh” express courier service is born

The home delivery service is already operational in Rome, Milan, Turin, Bologna and Florence thanks to the partnership between the subsidiary MLK Deliveries and Mazzocco Srl and will soon be extended to all regional capitals

Bruno Vespa: In big emergencies, I saw the best Italy — Poste helps it...

The speech by Bruno Vespa, historic journalist and Porta a Porta host, at the presentation of the Polis Project: “Small municipalities are the wealth of our country”

Poste Italiane: in 7,000 post offices, Polis becomes the home of digital services

The project was presented to Mayors of municipalities with less than 15,000 inhabitants by the President of Poste Italiane, Maria Bianca Farina, and the CEO, Matteo Del Fante, in the presence of the President of the Republic, Sergio Mattarella, and the Prime Minister, Giorgia Meloni
Come può il settore postale ottenere una crescita a lungo termine?

CEO Matteo Del Fante: How can the postal sector achieve long-term growth?

Postal services are carbon intensive and with the world preparing fit a given transition, those in the sector need to start thinking about how they can reduce emissions on the road to a net zero economy
Poste Italiane: conferito a diciassette giornaliste il premio speciale “Matilde Serao”

Serao Special Award for 17 female journalists. Lasco: “Poste’s tribute to the courage and...

The ceremony took place with the President of the Company, Maria Bianca Farina, and the Co-General Manager, Giuseppe Lasco in attendance
L’AD Del Fante: “Poste è il polo italiano di competenze digitali”

CEO Matteo Del Fante: ‘Poste is Italy’s digital skills hub’

The words of Poste's CEO Del Fante at the conference entitled ‘Italia: riprendere il filo della crescita', organised in Rome by Assonime
Pacchi, ricariche e pagamenti cashless: portalettere sempre più digitali con i nuovi palmari

Parcels, top-ups, and cashless payments: letter carriers become increasingly digital with new handheld devices

Here are all the functions available to letter carriers thanks to new handheld devices to offer customers an effective, secure, and innovative service
poste sociale

Women, environment and education: Poste’s economic and social value grows sustainably

Poste Italiane focuses on human capital, inclusion, gender equality, and attention to the environment to increase its economic and social value

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