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servizi finanziari

Financial services: Postal Savings distribution fees are increasing

Financial services revenues are also is being bolstered by an increase in net interest income
servizi assicurativi

Insurance Services: improving the profitability of the Protection business

Positive net income and low redemption for Poste Italiane's insurance services

Postepay services: solid performance on all products

Postepay Services revenues amounted to €379 million, up 17.3% year over year

CDP and Poste Italiane: new agreement on postal savings

The new characteristics of the partnership will make it possible to tackle the savings challenges of the coming years with determination
Poste al Netcomm Forum: dagli alimenti freschi alle spedizioni e resi green, crescono i servizi per le imprese

Poste at Netcomm Forum: from fresh food to green shipping and returns, services for...

Poste's integrated offer for businesses is growing - the services presented at Netcomm Forum
financial times poste

The Financial Times crowns Poste Italiane: ‘Better than Royal Mail’

The London business and financial newspaper compares the two companies: Poste Italiane's successes are in contrast with the crisis of the British postal service
L’Ad di Poste Del Fante: “Cliente ancora più al centro con il nuovo piano, useremo canale fisico e digitale”

CEO of Poste Italiane Del Fante: “Customers even more at the centre with our...

The CEO of Poste Italiane talks to TG Poste on the new business plan “The Connecting Platform”: physical and digital channel offering services to citizens
Il Direttore Generale di Poste Lasco: “Avviati 1.600 cantieri Polis, abbiamo già rilasciato i primi 20 passaporti”

The General Manager of Poste Italiane Giuseppe Lasco: “1,600 Polis construction sites launched, we...

The General Manager of Poste at the end of the presentation of the new Business Plan: Polis, passports in 131 post offices by April
Del Fante lancia la nuova era di Poste: “Con digitale e logistica leader di riferimento nel Paese”

Del Fante launches Poste’s new era: ‘With the digital and logistics sectors leading the...

Del Fante spoke to Corriere della Sera about the new 'The Connecting Platform’ strategic plan
Dividendo più alto, SuperApp e pacchi in 4 ore: il nuovo piano di Poste sui quotidiani

A higher dividend, SuperApps and parcels in 4 hours: Poste’s new plan according to...

An extensive press review highlights the targets set by Poste for 2028 as well as the innovations concerning digital services and distribution

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