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Poste Italiane tra i leader della sostenibilità secondo Il Sole 24 Ore

Poste Italiane recognised by the financial magazine Institutional Investor

For Poste, the award highlights the company's ability to attract investors and considers how the investor relations team moves from the efficiency of road shows to the quality of financial reporting
Diversità e inclusione: l'impegno di Poste al via la maratona di 4Weeks4Inclusion

Diversity and inclusion: Poste’s commitment, the 4Weeks4Inclusion marathon kicks off

The 4Weeks4Inclusion inter-company relay dedicated to inclusion will run until 6 December: Poste will be there with a webinar on the day against gender-based violence
Poste Italiane: un francobollo celebra i 25° anniversario del Garante per la privacy

Poste Italiane: a postage stamp celebrates the 25th anniversary of the Italian Data Protection...

The vignette depicts the graphic stylisation of Leonardo's Vitruvian man that ideally transforms into digital data
Flotta rinnovata ed emissioni giù: decolla il piano green di Poste Italiane

Renewed fleet and lowered emissions: Poste Italiane’s green plan takes off

In La Stampa, an in-depth study on Poste Italiane's green plan and its landing on the energy market
Spazi di lavoro condiviso in tutta Italia: Poste investe 30 milioni nel co-working

Shared workspaces throughout Italy: Poste invests €30 million in co-working

The plan is part of the broader Polis project financed by Italy’s National Recovery and Resilience Plan (NRRP), which calls for total investments of €1.12 billion
Via libera Ue a misura per Italia da 20 milioni per Poste nella creazione di 80 spazi di co-working

EU gives the green light for a €20 million Italian measure for Poste to...

The scheme is part of Italy’s National Complementary Investments Plan (NCP), which supplements its NRRP with national resources: European Commission notice
“Il postino suona sempre con il triciclo elettrico”: il recapito sostenibile di Poste Italiane

Poste Italiane deliveries are more sustainable with electric tricycles

The "Pianeta 2030" special issue of il Corriere della Sera published an in-depth study on Poste Italiane's sustainable delivery and the adaptation of the fleet
Poste Italiane ottiene la certificazione “Equal-Salary” per le politiche di parità salariale tra donne e uomini

Poste Italiane obtains Equal-Salary certification for its equal pay policies for women and men

The recognition confirms the value of the results achieved by the Group led by CEO Matteo Del Fante when it comes to the ESG Diversity & Inclusion pillar

Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women: President Farina talks about Poste’s commitment

On the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women, Poste Italiane’s President Maria Bianca Farina spoke about the company's commitment
AgCom incontra Poste: con Polis il digitale nei Piccoli Comuni

AgCom meets Poste: Polis brings digital services to small municipalities

Poste Italiane presented its Polis project for small municipalities to AgCom. To mark the occasion, TG Poste interviewed Ivana Nasti, Director of the authority's Postal Services

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