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Dalla transizione green alla sicurezza: i risultati della crescita sostenibile di Poste:

From green transition to security: The results of Poste’s sustainable growth

In the second quarter, several of Poste's actions created long-term value for the benefit of all stakeholders
I portalettere e la pandemia: “Abbiamo consegnato anche il pane per aiutare la gente”

Postmen and women and the pandemic: “We also delivered bread to help people”

The story of a postman from Salerno, working in the Bergamo area, who didn’t hesitate to lend a hand during the most difficult period of the pandemic
Nei comuni montani nascono le Botteghe dei servizi: Poste con Uncem per la vita dei piccoli centri

Service shops have been set up in mountain municipalities: Poste partners with UNCEM to...

The Piedmont Region publishes a call for tenders for the creation of businesses that can also serve Poste Italiane. A challenge against desertification
“Green Postal Day”: l’impegno di Poste Italiane per l’ambiente con le consegne sostenibili

“Green Postal Day”: Poste Italiane’s commitment to the environment with sustainable deliveries

Poste among the international leaders of the latest Green Postal Day, an international meeting of postal operators on the topic of sustainability
L’AD Del Fante: “Omnicanale e antifragile, così nasce la leadership di Poste Italiane”

CEO Matteo Del Fante: “Omnichannel and antifragile, this is how Poste Italiane’s leadership is...

Poste Italiane CEO Matteo Del Fante gave an interview to Mail & Express Review (MER), reference point for the postal and e-commerce sectors
Aumentano ricavi da consegne pacchi, Poste Italiane principale operatore

Revenues from parcel deliveries increase, Poste Italiane the leading operator

Looking at the competitive structure of the individual market components, the Poste Italiane group dominates the mail services sector with a 96.4% share.
Del Fante businessperson of the year

Energy efficiency and sustainable mobility: 700 million in credit from the EIB for Poste’s...

The credit lines support the ESG initiatives in the 24SI Plus strategic plan which optimise the Group's financial structure
CEO Matteo Del Fante: “Poste Italiane is a market leader at the service of the country”

CEO Matteo Del Fante: “Poste Italiane is a market leader at the service of...

CEO Matteo Del Fante speaking at Poste Italiane’s 160th anniversary event: “Our company acts as a platform with a social function for the country as a whole”
At Poste, customer relationships are founded on training.

At Poste, customer relationships are founded on training

Poste Italiane has continued to invest in training throughout 2021, providing almost 6 million hours nationwide
Parità di genere, sicurezza, salari: la sostenibilità di Poste passa per la valorizzazione delle persone

Gender equality, security, salaries: Poste’s sustainability moves towards the value of people

Milano Finanza, in its sustainability report published on 28 July, analyses the Poste case and its commitment to valuing employees

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