Fraud Prevention Center

At the heart of Poste Italiane’s financial security is the Fraud Prevention Center, where 100 specialised operators work 24 hours a day, monitoring transaction security thanks to next-generation technologies.

The faces of security

The specialists of Poste Italiane’s Fraud Prevention Center, which guarantee the security of transactions carried out in over 12,800 post offices and online, include Veronica D’Angelo and Stefano Sargeni. They carry out monitoring activities across the board: from prevention to the management of suspicious transactions. Sargeni, as he himself explains to TG Poste, comes into play when “a rule” is triggered within a specific case. This can be triggered by taking into account the “card history, when, for example, a customer makes an unusual purchase” – in this case “we carry out an investigation followed by telephone contact, essential for understanding whether the operation was actually performed by the customer or not”.

Online frauds

D’Angelo talks instead about the online fraud program: “Perhaps a customer has entered card details on unsafe sites, and therefore fraudulent charges are made, or he is the victim of the classic scam, in which a message is sent that redirects to a site ‘masked’ as that of the Poste”. In most cases there is a telephone contact with the customer, who often “is uncertain and does not believe in the truthfulness of the operators, having been contacted recently by the alleged fraudster”.  Fundamental, but difficult, is “to establish a relationship of trust between us and the customer over the telephone”, given that “once this is successful, we can intervene on what happened”.

Poste’s technology

The center adopts the most advanced technologies in the Fraud Management and Fraud Intelligence activities to further raise the degree of security of the entire group’s financial activities and enhance the protection tools for the benefit of citizens against crimes and frauds. In fact, Sergeni explains how “our systems are of the latest generation and provide for customer behavioural analysis”, an analysis that studies both their habits and any purchases from suspicious channels.